extra questions geography

                 Extra questions
     1.   Name the countries which covered Amazon basin .
         Ans; The river basin drains portions of Brazil, parts of Peru,    Bolivia, Ecuador, Columbia and a small part of Venezuela.
     2.   Give the location of Amazon basin.
        Ans; It  lies very close to the equator; between 10°N and 10°S.
     3.   What are Bromeliads?
            Ans; Bromeliads are special plants that store water in their      leaves. Animals like frogs use these pockets of water for laying    their eggs.
     4.   Name the staple food of Amazon basin people.
       Ans;The staple food is manioc, also known as cassava that grows under the ground like the potato.
     5.   Give the detail about houses of Amazon basin people.
         Ans; Some families live in thatched houses shaped like beehives.     There are other large apartment-like houses called “Maloca”      with a steeply slanting roof
     6.   What is slash and burn agriculture?
        Ans; Slash and Burn is a way of cultivating land where farmers clear a piece of land by slashing or cutting down trees and bushes. These are then burnt, which releases the nutrients into the soil. Now crops are grown in this cleared field for a few years.
i    7.   Find out the states in which the Ganga-Brahmputra basin lies.
            Ans; Uttranchal,Haryana,Uttar Pradesh,Bihar,Mp, West Bengal,Assam,Arunachal Pradesh
       8.   The density of population of the plains is very high. Why?
              Ans;  a) The plain area provides the most suitable land for human habitation.
                        b) The soil is fertile. Agriculture is the main occupation of the people where flat land is        available to grow crops .  
        9.  Where a variety of dolphin locally called Susu (also called blind dolphin) is found ?
               Ans; In the fresh waters of River Ganga and River Brahmaputra.  
        10. How Tourism is another important activity of the Ganga-Brahmputra basin ?
          Ans;  a) Taj Mahal on the banks of River Yamuna in Agra, Allahabad on the confluence of the Rivers Ganga and Yamuna, Buddhists stupas in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar,
b)      Lucknow with its Imambara,
c)       Assam with Kaziranga and Manas with wild life sanctuaries and
d)      Arunachal Pradesh with a distinct tribal culture are some of the places worth a visit.


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