The Mughal empire

 Q 3. What were the central provinces under the control of the Mughals?
The central provinces under the control of the Mughals were— Panipat, LahoreDelhiMathuraAgra, Amber, Ajmer, Fatehpur Sikri, Chittor, Ranthambhor and Allahabad.  

Q  4. What was the relationship between the mansabdar and the jagir?
1.A mansabdar was an individual who held a mansab, meaning a position or rank.
2. He was not paid salary in cash.
 3. He was given a right to collect revenue from the land granted to them. 
4.These lands were called jagirs.
Thus, there was close relationship between the mansabdar and the jagir. 

Q 5. What was the role of the zamindar in Mughal administration?
The zamindars' main role was-
1. To collect tax and submit same with king.
2. To maintain army.
3. To arrange required number of horses for army.

Q 6. How were the debates with religious scholars important in the formation of Akbar’s ideas on governance?
1. Akbar realized that all religious scholars who emphasized ritual and dogma were often bigots. 
2. He realised that their teachings created divisions and disharmony amongst people.    
3. He introduced the idea of sulh-i kul or 'universal peace'. 
4.This idea of tolerance did not discriminate between people of different religions in his realm.    

Q 7. Why did the Mughals emphasise their Timurid and not their Mughal descent?

1. The Mughals did not like to be called Mughal or Mongol. This was because Genghis Khan's image was associated with the massacre of innumerable people. 
2. It was also linked with the Uzbegs, their Mongol competitors. 
3. On the other hand the Mughals felt proud of their Timurid ancestry.  
Q 8. How important was the income from land revenue to the stability of the Mughal Empire?
1. Akbar’s revenue minister, Todar Mal took 10-year period to carry out proper calculation of land revenue.

2.  It strengthened the economic system of the Empire.

3. Money which collected was invested on building forts and for the welfare of subjects.  
Q9: Why was it important for the Mughals to recruit mansabdars from diverse backgrounds and not just Turanis and Iranis?
Answer: Mughal empire expanded to encompass different religion as they recruited Mansabdars from diverse bodies of people from a nucleus Turanis and Iranis nobles. They expanded to include Indians, Muslims, Iranis, Afghanis, Rajputs and Maratahas.

Q10: Like the Mughal Empire, India today is also made up of many social and cultural units. Does this pose a challenge to national integration?
Answer: 1. India today is full of diversity in terms of language, religion, caste and creed. For national integration it is a challenge. 
2. India being a secular republic has addressed this challenge by providing social equality constitutionally. 

Q11: Peasants were vital for the economy of the Mughal Empire. Do you think that they are as important today? Has the gap in the income between the rich and the poor in India changed a great deal from the period of the Mughals?

Answer:  1. Even today, agriculture is the primary source of income in India. In present context peasant play an important role in the economy of India
2. As compared to Mughal period, incomes have increased, but the widening gap between the rich and the poor still pose a challenge.

Q12: How was Humayum's relationship with Safavid Iran different from Akbar's?

Answer: Humayun received help from the Safavid Shah to recapture Delhi in 1555. While Akbar, during his expansion campaign, seized Qandahar from Safavids in 1585-1605.

Q13: Did the annexation of Golconda and Bijapur in Aurangzeb's region end hostilities in the Deccan?
Answer: Despite the annexation of Golconda and Bijapur in Aurangzeb's region, it did not end the hostilities in the Deccan. Marathas started gurreilla war against him. Aurangzeb had to personally manage the campaigns in Deccan for a long period of time.

Q14: Who wrote Akbar Nama?

Answer: Abul Fazl. He wrote a three volume history of Akbar’s reign titled, Akbar Nama.

Q15: Define Dogma.
Answer: A statement or an interpretation declared as authoritative with the expectation that it would be followed without statement.

Q16: Who is called Bigot?

Answer: An individual who is intolerant of another person’s religious beliefs or culture is called as bigot.

Q17: What is primogeniture?

Answer: It is a kind of belief followed by many dynasties as a rule of inheritance where the eldest son inherited his father’s estate.


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