Women change the world question answers

Q2.: List one reason why learning the alphabet was so important to women like Rashsundari Devi, Ramabai and Rokeya.
Ans:Learning the alphabet was so important to women like Rashsundari Devi, Ramabai and Rokeya because after learning alphabet they could achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams and contribute the society.
  • Rashsundari Devi: Wrote “Amar Jiban”, first autobiography written by an Indian woman.
  • Ramabai: She set up a mission in Khedagaon where widows and poor women are taught variety of skills from carpentry to running a printing press.
  • Rokeya: She started a school for girls in Kolkata in 1910 and thus helped other girls to get education.
  • Q3: “Poor girls drop out of school because they are not interested in getting an education”. Read the last paragraph on page-62 and explain why this statement is not true.
Ans:The statement in question is not true because of the following reasons:
  1. There is no facility in rural areas especially in Adiwasi areas.
  2. Not even any proper school nearby their villages.
  3. No teacher in the schools.
  4. No school nearby their homes.
  5. No transport facilities for going to the school which are generally far away.
  6. Families are too poor to afford schooling expenses.
  7. Discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, religion and sex.
  8. Preference to boys only for education.                                
    Q4: Can you describe two methods of struggle that the women’s movement used to raise issues? If you had to organize a struggle against stereotypes, about what women can or cannot do, what method would you employ from the ones that you have read about? Why would you choose this particular method
  9. Ans:
    The two methods of struggle that women’s movement used to raise issues are –
    1. Raising awareness through street plays, songs and public meetings.
    2. Protesting through public rallies and powerful way of drawing attention to injustice.
    I would like to choose raising awareness because I think violation is not a justified method against this.


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