Extra questions Class-6th Chapter-6 (Geography)


Q1. What is internal process?Ans.The process operating inside the earth is known as internal process.Q2. Define the External process?Ans.The process operating on the surface of the earth is called external process.Q3. Name the process which modifies the surfaces of the earth.Ans.1.Internal process2.External processQ4. What do you mean by Deposition?Ans.The process of depositing the transported sediments is called Deposition.Q5. What is a mountain range?Ans. Mountains may be arranged in a line known as mountain range.Q6. What is Glacier?Ans. Moving mass of ice is called Glaciers.Q7. Define the term landforms?Ans. The physical features of the earth’s surface are known landforms.Q8. Why is the plateau of Tibet special ?Ans. The Tibet Plateau is the highest plateau in the world with a height of 4,000 to 6,000 metres above the mean sea level.Q 9.  What do by mean by Graben ?Ans.The lowered block between two normal faults is known as Graben.Q10. Name the most populated region of India.Ans. The Indo-Gangetic plain is the most populated region of India.Q11. What do you mean by Flora and fauna ?Ans .Flora means plants and fauna means animals.Q12. Why the plains are thickly populated?Ans.The plains are thickly  populated due to the following reasons:1. Their fertility2. Construction of transport network is easy3. They have favourable climate for human settlement.Q13. Name some of the depositional features.Ans. Some of the depositional features are moraines, levees, flood-plains, and sand dunes.


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