On equality chapter

Exercise and some additional questions

Q1: In a democracy why is universal adult franchise important?

Universal adult franchise is a very important,

It promotes the idea of equality.

It means that all adult (those who are 18 and above) citizens have the right to vote irrespective of their social or economic backgrounds.

It makes the government more accountable towards her people.

Q_2: Re-read the box on Article 15 and states two ways in which this Article addresses inequality?

It states all citizens can go to public places like shops, cinema halls, restaurants etc. They cannot be stopped to enter these public places based on their caste, colour, religion or gender.

It specifically mentions that any citizen irrespective of his background can use wells, ponds, roads or public property or places funded by the government.

Q3: In what ways was Omprakash Valmiki’s experience similar to that of the


Both of them suffer unequal treatment or discriminated at individual level because they belong to different caste or religion.

Both these incidents also show though the law enforces equality but such inequalities exist within our society.

In both cases, the dignity of the persons is violated.

04: What do you understand by the term "all persons are equal before the law"? Why do you think it is important in a democracy?

Answer: The term 'All persons are equal before the law1 means every citizen is entitled to all the constitutional rights and freedoms without making distinction of any kind, like gender, status, race, religion or place of birth.

It is a founding aspect of democracy. It ensures that government will take care about the needs of the all the citizens and fulfill them. It safeguards the interests of people.

Q5: Define Universal adult franchise

Answer: It means that all adult (those who are 18 and above) citizens have the right to vote irrespective of their social or economic backgrounds.

Q_6: What was the Civil Rights Movement in USA?

Answer: Civil Rights Movement began in USA in 1950s in which African- American people demanded equal rights and an end to racial discrimination.

Q7: What was the role of Rosa Parks in Civil Rights Movement in USA?

 Rosa Parks was an African-American woman who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man on 1 December 1955. It leads to huge agitation against the unequal ways in which African-Americans were treated and this later turned into the Civil Rights Movement.

08: How does Indian constitution ensures equality has been implemented?


State the various provisions mentioned in the constitution to promote equality in India.

Every person, from the President of the country to a common man, a domestic worker, has to obey the same laws.

No person can be discriminated against on the basis of their religion, race, and caste, place of birth or whether they are female or male.

Person has access to all public places including playgrounds, hotels, shops and markets. All persons can use publicly available wells, roads and bathing ghats.

Untouchability has been abolished.

Q9: Which was the first state in India to introduce mid-day meal school in elementary government schools?

Answer: Tamil Nadu in 2011.

Q10: List few examples of inequalities common in India?

Answer: Inequalities prevalent in India are based:

Caste system



Q11: Define the term Dalit'.

Answer: Dalit is a term sometimes used by lower castes to address themselves. Dalit means ’broken' and by using this word, lower castes are pointing to how they were, and continue to be, seriously discriminated against.

Q12: Who is the author of the book 'Joothan? What is the book about?

Answer: Omprakash Valmiki. it is the autobiography of the author. The book shares his experiences about the social and caste discrimination faced by him in his childhood.

Ql 3: What is midday meal scheme? How this scheme is helpful to reduced the caste prejudice from the society?

Answer: The midday meal scheme refers to the programme introduced in all government elementary schools to provide children with cooked lunch.

Both lower and upper caste children in the school eat this meal together, 

 In quite a few places, Dalit women have been employed to cook the meal. The midday meal programme also helps reduce the hunger of poor students who often come to school.


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