A shirt in the market

                     A shirt in the market
1.What made Swapna sell the cotton to the trader instead of selling at the Kurnool cotton market?
Ans; Swapna is small farmer.she  sold the cotton to the trader instead of selling at the Kurnool cotton market because:

(i)  she  had borrowed Rs 2,500 from the trader at a very high interest rate to buy seeds, fertilizers, pesticides for cotton cultivation.
(ii) So, she promised to sell all her cotton to him.

2. Describe the conditions of employment as well as the wages of workers in the garment exporting factory. Do you think the workers get a fair deal?
Ans; Conditions of employment in the garment exporting factory:
(i) Workers are employed on a temporary basis means they can be asked to leave anytime when not needed.
(ii) They have pressure to produce quality products in limited time.
(iii) They have to do hardwork for long hours.
No, the workers don't get a fair deal as they are not even paid the minimal wages for their work. They are being exploited by their employer and their work is also temporary. They also don't have respect for the work the do.

3. Think of something common that we use. It could be sugar, tea, milk, pen, paper, pencil, etc. Discuss through what chain of markets this reaches you. Can you think of the people that help in the production or trade?
Ans; Chain of markets to produce Milk is first produced in
(i) Dairy cooperatives first purchase milk at different locations.
(ii) After that, milk is transported to the milk factories by the dairy cooperatives.
(iii) Milk is pasteurized in the factories and are packed.
(iv) Packets are milk are then given to the traders which transport them to cities where wholesaler purchase these.
(v) Retailers purchase from the wholesalers then sell these packets of milk to the consumers in the open market in booths.
4 What is putting out system? Write its advantages as well as disadvantages.
Ans ; The arrangement between the merchant and the weavers is an example of putting-out system, in which the merchant supplies the raw material and receives the finished product.
a)       The weavers do not have to spend their money on purchase of yarn.
b)       the problem of selling the finished cloth is taken care of.
This dependence on the merchants both for raw materials and markets means that the merchants have a lot of power.  
They pay a very low price for making the        cloth.
5 How weaver’s cooperatives are reduces the dependencies of weavers over the merchants?
Ans; In a weaver’s cooperative, the weavers form a group and take up certain activities collectively.
They procure yarn from the yarn dealer and distribute it among the weavers.
The cooperative also does the marketing. So, the role of the merchant is reduced, and weavers get a fair price on the cloth.
6 How do the garment exporters meet the conditions set by the foreign buyers?
Ans; They provide the garments at the lowest prices to buyers.
In addition, they set high standards for quality of production and timely delivery. Any defects or delay in delivery is dealt with strictly.  


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