worksheets clas 7th history and civics

                                Towns traders and craftsperson
                                 OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS :
Q1.The Capital city of the Cholas was _________
Q2. Name the river that flowed through this capital city.___________
Q3.a)Name the temple present in this city. b) Who built this temple ?
Q4. Who was the architect of this temple ? ________________________
Q5. Which diety is located in this temple ? _______________________
Q6. Kings used to hold court in the ______________ (pavilions)
Q7. Other name of sculptors who made bronze idols ____________________
Q8. In which place did they make these idols ? ___________________
Q9. Give an example of a Temple town in :-
a) Madhya Pradesh : _____________________        b) Gujarat : _____________________
c) Tamil Nadu : _________________________          d) Andhra Pradesh : _______________
Q10. Chola bronze statues were made using the ___________    technique.

Q11. Bronze is an alloy of _________ and __________

Q12.Give an example of pilgrimage centres in :
a) Uttar Pradesh : ______________________ b) Tamil Nadu : ________________________
c) Rajasthan : _______________________

Q13. Which city was the capital of the Chauhan kings and later became the suba headquarters of the Mughals ? ______________________________

Q14. Which city provides an excellent example of religious co-existence ? ____________
Q15.Name the sufi saint who settled in this city and attracted devotees from all creeds ? __________________________________________________________
Q16. Instead of collecting the taxes, sometimes the ‘rights’ were given to the temples.

Q17. Name any 5 items on the sale of which taxes were imposed on the traders ?
a) _____________ b) ______________ c) ______________ d) _____________ e) ________
Q18. The association or group formed especially by the horse traders, who had to travel through many kingdoms to sell/trade was called ______________

Q19.-Name 2 examples of such associations : a) _________ b) ___________ 

Chapter-6 Understanding Media
Q-1 Fill in the blanks: -
1) ________ and _________ are examples of electronic media, newspaper and magazines are examples of __________ media.
 2) _______ invented the first television.
 3) An _________ media means that no one should control and influence its coverage.
  4) In a democracy _________, ___________ and _______ are a few ways by which publics can protect against any issue.

Q-2 Give reasons: -
1) Most television channels and T.V.are part of big business house because_________________.
 2) Some advertisements are shown repeated by during the same programme because___________________.
 3) A balanced report is one that_________________.
4) It is common to say that the ‘media sets the agenda’ because____________________.
 5)___________ is my favourite TV programme because _________________.

Q-3 Define the following: -
       a) Local media
       b) Censorship
       c) Broadcast
       d) Public protest
       e) Media


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