
Showing posts from July, 2017

Question answers chapter water

Q(i).What is precipitation?   Answer.  Precipitation in the deposition of moisture from the atmosphere onto the earth's surface.This may be in form of rain,hail,frost,fog,sleet or snow.  Q(ii).What is water cycle? Answer. .The process by which water continually changes its form and circulates between oceans, atmosphere and land is known as the water cycle. Q(iii).What are the factors affecting the height of the weaves? Answer. (a) High speed of wind (b)Earthquake (c) Volcanic Eruption (d) Underwater Landslides. Q(iv).Which factors affect the movement of ocean water? Answer.  (a) Temperature and (b) Rotation of the earth. Q(v) What art tides and how are they caused? Answer.  The rhythmic rise and fall of ocean water twice a day is called a tide. Tides are caused due to the gravitational pull exerted by the sun and the moon on the earth's surface. Q(v-2)Name three types of rainfall? Ans There are three types of rainfall, the conventional rainfall, the orographic rainfall and

Women change the world question answers

Q2.:   List one reason why learning the alphabet was so important to women like Rashsundari Devi, Ramabai and Rokeya. Ans: Learning the alphabet was so important to women like Rashsundari Devi, Ramabai and Rokeya because after learning alphabet they could achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams and contribute the society. Rashsundari Devi: Wrote “Amar Jiban”, first autobiography written by an Indian woman. Ramabai: She set up a mission in Khedagaon where widows and poor women are taught variety of skills from carpentry to running a printing press. Rokeya: She started a school for girls in Kolkata in 1910 and thus helped other girls to get education. Q3:  “Poor girls drop out of school because they are not interested in getting an education”. Read the last paragraph on page-62 and explain why this statement is not true. Ans: The statement in question is not true because of the following reasons: There is no facility in rural areas especially in Adiwasi areas. Not

link for chapter women change the world

The Mughal empire

  Q 3. What were the  central provinces  under the control of the Mughals? Answer: The central provinces under the control of the Mughals were— Panipat,  Lahore ,  Delhi ,  Mathura ,  Agra , Amber,  Ajmer , Fatehpur Sikri, Chittor, Ranthambhor and  Allahabad .   Q  4. What was the relationship between the mansabdar and the jagir? Answer: 1.A mansabdar was an individual who held a mansab, meaning a position or rank. 2. He was not paid salary in cash.  3. He was given a right to collect revenue from the land granted to them.  4.These lands were called jagirs. Thus, there was close relationship between the mansabdar and the jagir.  Q 5. What was the role of the zamindar in Mughal administration? Answer: The zamindars' main role was- 1. To collect tax and submit same with king. 2. To maintain army. 3. To arrange required number of horses for army. Q 6. How were the debates with religious scholars important in the formation of Akbar’s ideas on gover

Question Answers chapter Air

1. Answer the following questions. (i) What is atmosphere?   Answer : The thick blanket of air (mixture of gases) around the earth is called atmosphere. (ii) Which two gases make the bulk of the atmosphere? Answer : Nitrogen and Oxygen (iii) Which gas creates green house effect in the atmosphere? Answer : Carbon Dioxide. (iv) What is weather? Answer : The state or condition of atmosphere at a particular time and place is called weather. (v) Name three types of rainfall? Answer : Orographic, convectional and cyclonic rain.  (vi) What is air pressure? Answer : The pressure exerted due to the weight of air on the earth's surface is called air pressure. Give reasons.  (i) Wet clothes take longer time to dry on a humid day? Answer : On a humid day air is saturated with water vapours, therefore wet clothes take longer time to dry. (ii) Amount of insolation decreases from equator towards poles? Answer : Since sun rays fall vertically on the equator whil