
Showing posts from October, 2017

Town traders and craftsman question answers

Q1. Fill in the blanks: The Rajarajeshvara temple was built in . Ajmer is associated with the Sufi saint . Hampi was the capital of the Empire. The Dutch established a settlement at in Andhra Pradesh. Answer The Rajarajeshvara temple was built in Thaniavur. Ajmer is associated with the Sufi saint Khwaia Moinuddin Chishti. Hampi was the capital of the Vijavanagara Empire. The Dutch established a settlement at Masulioatnam in Andhra Pradesh. Q2. State whether true or false: We know the name of the architect of the Rajarajeshvara temple from an inscription. Merchants preferred to travel individually rather than in caravans. Kabul was a major centre for trade in elephants. Surat was an important trading port on the Bay of Bengal. Answer True False False False Q5. Why do you think towns grew around temples? Ans.Towns grew around temples because: They were administrative centres. They were also centres of commercial activities and craft


NATURAL VEGETATION AND WILDLIFE   Q.1 : Answer the following questions. (i) Which are the two factors on which the growth of vegetation mostly depends? (ii) Which are the three broad categories of natural vegetation? (iii) Name the two hardwood trees commonly found in tropical evergreen forest. (iv) In which part of the world are tropical deciduous forests found? (v) In which climatic conditions are citrus fruits cultivated? (vi) Mention the uses of coniferous forest. (vii) In which part of the world is seasonal grassland found? ANS : (i)  Temperature and moisture are the two factors on which the growth of vegetation mostly depends. (ii)  The three broad categories of natural vegetation are forests, grasslands and shrubs. (iii)  Rosewood and ebony are hardwood trees commonly found in tropical evergreen forests. (iv)  Tropical deciduous forests are monsoon forests found in large parts of India, Northern Australia and Central America.

Major Landforms

  1. Answer the following questions briefly. (a) What are the major landforms? Answer :The major landforms of the earth are Mountains, Plateaus and Plains. (b) What is the difference between a mountain and a plateau? Answer Mountain Plateau It is a naturally elevated surface of the earth. It is an elevated flat land. It is higher than the surrounding area. It is a flat-topped land that stands above the surrounding area. Mountains have peaks Plateaus are flattened highlands (c) What are the different types of mountains? Answer :The different types of mountains are fold, block and volcanic. (d) How are mountains useful to man? Answer :Mountains useful to man in following ways: 1.Mountains are a storehouse of water.  2.Many rivers have their source in the glaciers in the mountains. 3. They have a rich variety of flora and fauna. 4.The forests provide fuel, fodder, shelter and other products like

Ch 7 Understanding Advertising

   1. What do you understand by the word brand? List two reasons why building brands is central to advertising?  Answer Brand: It means stamping a product with a particular name or sign in order to differentiate it from other products in the market.  Two reasons why building brand is central advertising:  (i) It creates a positive image of the product in the eyes of the consumer and compel them to buy it. (ii) It differentiates the product from the local or other competitive products in the market.  2. Choose two of your favourite print advertisements. Now, look at each of these and answer the following questions:  a. What visuals and text is being used in these advertisements to attract my attention?  b. What values are being promoted in these advertisements?  c. Who is this advertisement speaking to and who is it leaving out?  d. If you could not afford the brand that is being advertised how would you feel?  AnswerAdvertisement 1: Filter your Life  a. It shows the taglin
                                                                                                                                Class-6  Chapter-7 (HISTORY) Q1. Describe the ways in which Buddha tried to spread his message to the people? Ans.(1)Buddha taught people to be kind and to respect the lives of others , including animals . (2) He also taught that life is full of sufferings and unhappiness which are caused because we have cravings and desires. (3) He believed that the results of our actions whether good or bad, affect us both in this life and the next . Q2 .What were the questions that upanishadic thinkers wanted to answer ? Ans.(1)Some thinkers wanted to know why sacrifices should be performed . (2)  Some thinkers wanted to know about life after death. (3)  Some thinkers felt that there was something permanent in the universe that would last even after death. Q3 .What were the main teachings of the Mahavira? Ans. (1) Mahavira taught that men and

understanding media question answers

                 Understanding Media Q1 What is media? Ans  Everything ranging from the stall at the local fair to the programme that you see on TV can be called media. Media is the plural form of the word ‘medium’ and it describes the various ways through which we communicate in society.  Q2 What are mass media?  Ans The forms of media that reaches millions of people, or the masses, across the country and the world and, thus, they are called mass media. Q3 Give any 2 examples of electronic media.  Ans Television, Radio Q4 Give any 2 examples of print media.  Ans Newspaper, Magazine   Q5 How does the changing technology affect media?   Changing technology, or machines, making technology more modern, helps media to reach more people.  It also improves the quality of sound and the images that we see. Q6 Why are most of the television channels and the newspapers a part of big business houses?  The different technologies that mass media use are expensive like in a TV st