
Showing posts from January, 2017


. 1. What were three common features among Bengal, Awadh and Hyderabad ?  Ans: First, though many of the larger states were established by earlier  Mughal nobles and they had inherited, in particular the jagirdari system of the administration. Second all three regimes contracted with revenue-farmers for the collection of revenue. Third common feature in all these regional states was their emerging relationship with rich bankers and merchants. 2. What were the causes behind decline of Mughal empire? Ans Aurangzeb had depleted the military and financial resources of his empire by fighting a long war in the Deccan . It became increasingly difficult for the later Mughal emperors to keep a check on their powerful mansabdars. Peasant and zamindari rebellions in many parts of northern and western India . The attack by Iran ruler Nadir Shah in 1739 and Afghan ruler Ahmad shah abdali between 1748 and 1761 also weaken the empire. 3. How much wealth were plundered by Nadir s

revision test devotional path

                             History chapter Devotional paths to divine                                                        Revision test                                           Max marks- 20                    1. Define the following.                      (1*4=4)   (a) Hagiography  (b) Hospice (c) khanqah (d) Virashaivism. 2. Answer the following in one line.         (1*4=4) (a)     Name any two famous Nayanars. (b)    Muslim scholars developed a holy law called? (c)     The great Sufis of Central Asia were? (d)    Write three compositions of Surdas. 3. Answer the following.                        (3*4=12) (a) Why do you think ordinary people preserved the memory of Mirabai? (b) What were the major beliefs and practices of the Sufis? (c) What were the major teachings of Baba Guru Nanak? (d) Describe the teachings of Kabir.

A life in the desert

Question 1. Answer the following questions: Q(i). What are the two types of deserts found in the world?   Answer.   (i) Hot desert and (ii) Cold desert. Q(ii). In which continent is the Sahara desert located? Answer.   Africa . Q(iii). What are the climatic conditions of the Ladakh desert? Answer.   The climatic conditions of the Ladakh desert are cold and dry. Q(iv). What mainly attracts tourists to Ladakh? Answer.   (i) Gompas, (ii) meadows and glaciers and (iii) ceremonies and festivities to local people. Q(v). What type of clothes the people of the Sahara desert wear? Answer.   People of the Sahara desert wear heavy robes as protection against dust storms and hot winds. Q(v). Name the three that grow in Ladakh? Answer.   Willows, poplars, apples, apricots and walnuts.   Question 2. Tick the correct answer: Q(i) Sahara is located in which part of Africa : (a Eastern. (b) Northern. (c) Western. Answer:   (b) Northern. Q(ii) Sahara is what type of desert


The Crisis of the Empire and the Later Mughals Mughal Empire started facing a variety of crises towards the closing years of the seventeenth century. These were caused by a number of factors.  Emperor Aurangzeb had depleted the military and financial resources of his empire by fighting a long war in the Deccan .   His successors were weak and could not take control over administration. It became difficult for the later Mughal emperors to keep a check on their powerful mansabdars. Governors (subadars) often controlled the offices of revenue and military administration (diwani and faujdari) as well. This gave them extraordinary political, economic and military powers over vast regions of the Mughal Empire. Peasant and zamindari rebellions in many parts of northern and western India Attacked by Nadir shah and Afgan invader Ahmad shah Abdali also weekend the empire. The empire was further weakened by competition amongst different groups of nobles. They were divided into t

life in temperate grassland

Question answers 1. Answer the following questions. (i) What are the Temperate Grasslands of North America called? Answer The Temperate Grasslands of North America called   The Prairies. (ii) What are the cattle farms in the North American Grasslands known as? Answer The cattle farms in the North American Grasslands known as Ranches. (iii) Name the rivers that drain the Velds. Answer The rivers that drain the Velds are Orange and the Limpopo . (iv) When is the rainy season in the Velds? Answer The rainy season in the Velds is from November to February. (v) What is the major occupation of the people of the South African grasslands? Answer Sheep rearing is the most important occupation of the people. Other major occupations include Dairy farming and mining. 2. Tick the correct answer. (i) River Mississippi drains     (a) Canada              (b) Africa                (c) USA ✓   (c) USA (ii) Drakensberg Mountains are to the west of     (a) Prairie

A shirt in the market

                      A shirt in the market 1 .What made Swapna sell the cotton to the trader instead of selling at the Kurnool cotton market? Ans; Swapna is small farmer.she  sold the cotton to the trader instead of selling at the Kurnool cotton market because: (i)  she  had borrowed Rs 2,500 from the trader at a very high interest rate to buy seeds, fertilizers, pesticides for cotton cultivation. (ii) So, she promised to sell all her cotton to him. 2. Describe the conditions of employment as well as the wages of workers in the garment exporting factory. Do you think the workers get a fair deal? Ans; Conditions of employment in the garment exporting factory: (i) Workers are employed on a temporary basis means they can be asked to leave anytime when not needed. (ii) They have pressure to produce quality products in limited time. (iii) They have to do hardwork for long hours. No, the workers don't get a fair deal as they are not even paid the minimal wages for their