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Define the terms- 1-    Majority Party-   The party which gets maximum seats in elections. It is also called ruling party. 2-    Opposite party- The party which does not get maximum seats in election becomes opposite party. It does not rule. 3-    Public meeting- The meeting that is held by the leader of people to raise the serious issues related to them. 4-    Constituency- These are the smaller areas which are divided for the purposes of elections. 5-    Coalition Government- When party does not get clear majority in elections, then many parties join together to form government is called coalition government. Q-1 How is Governor appointed? Ans- The Governor is appointed by the President with the consultation of central government. He is the head of the state.He is answerable to the President. Q-2 Back-1 (Back exercise questions) Ans-MLA is a Member of state legislative Assembly who is elected from particular constituency and represent the interests of the peopl
CLASS-7            CHAPTER-3 (History) Question 5: According to the “circle of justice”, why was it important for military commanders to keep the interests of the peasantry in mind? Ans5. 1. A king could not survive without army. 2. Army needed salaries and they would come from revenue. 3. The revenue was paid by farmers. So they tried to keep farmers happy. Question 6: What is meant by the “internal” and “external” frontiers of the Sultanate? Ans6 . Internal frontiers of the Sultanate include hinterlands of the garrison towns and Ganga-Yamuna doab. External frontiers of the Sultanate include unconquered areas of southern India which is away from Delhi. Question 7: What were the steps taken to ensure that muqtis performed their duties? Why do you think they may have wanted to defythe orders of the Sultans? Ans 7 . 1. Their office was not inheritable. 2.Their iqtas were shifted after short period. 3. Accountants were appointed to keep check on the revenue collec
               CLASS-7        CHAPTER-WATER Q(i).What is precipitation?   Answer.  Precipitation in the deposition of moisture from the atmosphere onto the earth's surface.This may be in form of rain,hail,frost,fog,sleet or snow.  Q(ii).What is water cycle? Answer. .The process by which water continually changes its form and circulates between oceans, atmosphere and land is known as the water cycle. Q(iii).What are the factors affecting the height of the weaves? Answer. (a) High speed of wind (b)Earthquake (c) Volcanic Eruption (d) Underwater Landslides. Q(iv).Which factors affect the movement of ocean water? Answer.  (a) Temperature  (b) Rotation of the earth. (c)Warm and cold currents. (d)Gravitational pull of the sun,the earth and the moon. Q(v) What art tides and how are they caused? Answer.  The rhythmic rise and fall of ocean water twice a day is called a tide. Tides are caused due to the gravitational pull exerted by the sun and the moon on the earth's surf
               CLASS-7        DELHI SULTANS Question 1: Which ruler first established his or her capital at Delhi? Answer: Ananga Pala of the Tomara dynasty first established his capital at Delhi Question 2: What was the language of administration under the Delhi Sultans? Answer: Persian was the language of administration under the Delhi Sultans. Question 3: In whose reign did the Sultanate reach its farthest extent? Answer: In Muhammad Tughluq’s reign the Sultanate reached its farthest end. Question 4: From which country did Ibn Battuta travel to India? Answer:  Ibn Batuta travelled to India from Morocco. Q5. According to the “Circle of Justice”, why was it important for military commanders to keep the interests of the peasantry in mind? Answer 5 :  According to the Circle of Justice, it was important for the military commanders to keep the interests of the peasants in mind because the salaries of the soldiers came from the revenue collected from th

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