
Showing posts from December, 2016

Devotional to path of divine

          Exercise question answers History chapter                 Devotional to path of divine Q1. Describe the beliefs and practices of the Nathpanthis, Ideas and Yogis. Ans; (i) They believed in logical arguments. (ii) They criticised the rituals and other aspects of conventional religion and the social order. (iii) They believed that the path to salvation  through  meditation on the formless  god and the realisation of  god. (iv) They advocated intense training of the mind and body through practices like yogasanas, breathing exercises and meditation.  Q2 . What were the major ideas expressed by Kabir? How did he express these? Ans; (i) Kabir’s  teachings were based on a complete, indeed vehement, rejection of the major religious traditions. (ii) He openly criticized   idol  worship of both Brahmanical Hinduism and Islam. (iii) He believed in a formless Supreme God. (iv) He  stressed on  bhakti or devotion to attain salvation. He  used  hindi  language  in his po

history questions

Town traders and craftsman important questions Q1. What type of towns were in medieval period ? Ans; It was – a temple town, an administrative centre, a commercial town or a port town. Q2. Name the king and architect who built and designed Rajrajeshwara temple. Ans; The Rajarajeshvara temple built by King Rajaraja Chola.  and its architect was Kunjaramallan Rajaraja Perunthachchan. Q3.  Why do you think towns grew around temples? Ans;  a) Temple authorities used their wealth to finance trade and banking.     b) Gradually a large number of priests, workers, artisans, traders, etc. settled near the temple to cater  the  needs  of the pilgrims. Thus grew temple towns. c)  Towns emerged around temples such as those of Bhillasvamin (Bhilsa or Vidisha in Madhya Pradesh), and Somnath in Gujarat . Q4. Give two examples of pilgrimage towns? Ans; Vrindavan (Uttar Pradesh) and Tiruvannamalai (Tamil Nadu) are examples of two such towns. Q5. Why Ajmer is famous city?